【English】China Daily spent millions to run Ads in US media
Chinese state-run media China Daily paid US media millions to run pro-Beijing content.That’s according to disclosures filed by the Chinese outlet with the Department of Justice last week.
According to the Filing, China Daily paid the Los Angeles Times $340,000 for ads between May and October this year.$85,000 to The Wall Street Journal, and $100,000 to Foreign Policy Magazine.
China Daily also paid over a million dollars in printing costs,including $110,000 to The Los Angeles Times, $92,000 to the Houston Chronicle and $76,000 to The Boston Globe.
The Foreign Agents Registration Act or FARA requires agents and outlets representing foreign governments to disclose their relationship with those establishments.They are also required to disclose information regarding related activities and finances in the US.
According to the FARA filing, China Daily spent more than 4.4 million dollars ads printing and distribution over the past 6 months.
China Daily has spent millions over the past few years running supplements called China Watch, its propaganda disguised as news.
These are inserted in major US media outlets.
Scholars said in a 2018 report, it’s hard to tell these inserts are ads.
China Daily has a history of spending millions to run these inserts in US media.According to previous filings with the justice department, China daily paid over 4.6 million dollars to the Washington Post, and nearly 6 million dollars to the Wall Street Journal since November, 2016.
It also paid the New York Times $50,000 in 2018.
The Washington Post and The New York Times stopped running such inserts earlier this year.
The other outlets have not responded for a request for comment.
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